Mail and Contact form problems

Our homepage provider has disabled a mail sending function that we used for our entire homepage. We were not aware of this, so the contact forms have been broken for some time. We are very sorry for the trouble this has caused!

Everything is fixed now, and we are happy to recieve your e-mails again! Please note that this error only occurred on mails sent from our homepage.

Search engine

We’ve replaced our old search function with a google custom search box, it is able to search for specific product names, not only the main categories. So now you can search and find i.ex. a 6303 bearing, where you had to search for 6300 earlier.


We’ve added a lot of new product catalogues in the accessories category.

Topping-out ceremony

We close early today (19-09-2011) at 15:00 to celebrate the topping-out ceremony of our new warehouse.

New homepage

Our new homepage is now finished, hope you like it.