How to use it and smart features
The prices shown in this guide are only an example.
In our web shop, it is possible to order products, see our stock, gross and net prices, favorite lists and previous orders. On our website you can find drawings and dimensions for most of our products.
How to login
Use the Sign in field in the upper right corner. Type your E-mail and your Password. If you have forgotten it, click on Forgot password?, you will receive an e-mail with instructions how to reset your password. Check the box remember me, to save your login credentials.
On the flag you can change the language, if you prefer it in German or Danish.
How to find the products
There are different possibilities for finding the products you are looking for. One is to use the search field and type in the item you are looking for, a drop-down menu will appear and give suggestion for the search term. Hit enter or click the search icon to get a list of all search results. In this example I have searched for UCF 210, which resulted in over 20 products, containing different pieces of the part number, for example with cover.
On this page you can see the Product Id of the item, which is our item number. The Name which indicates what the part number contains. In Item text you get a short description. Next is the Manufacturer, the Stock Level and the Price. This price is your net-price.
The part number with the highest stock count is normally our standard item.
Another way to find the product is to find it through the categories on the front page and choose the product category. Since we have many item numbers, this will give you with multiple sites to browse through. We recommend using the search option, if you know the item number well.
The last option is to find it through your Wishlist. This option will be explained later in this document.
For more information click on the desired Product ID, this will lead you to the item page.
On this site you will be able to add it to the shopping cart, see the gross price and your discount, the delivery cost, add it to your wish list and see the datasheet.
Type the quantity you want to order and click Add to Cart, this will add the item to your shopping cart. If you are done with the shopping, press the shopping cart sign and hit Continue in the top or bottom. If you’d like to change the quantity of an item, type the new quantity and press the update arrow next to the field.
You will now be asked to fill in your Contact Information. Here the system will automatically use the information we have in our system, you can change it if you need. If you need an alternative delivery address, check the box Different delivery address. Please fill in your Name and your Requisition Number. If you have special requirements, use the comment field. E.g. “use neutral packaging” if you send it directly to your customer or if you have any other comment. Press Continue in the top or bottom when you have filled in the required information.
In the delivery method, you can also choose to pick it up at our location in Højer or Støvring.
In the Preferred delivery date, you can change the day to when you wish to receive your order. If you do not make any changes, we will send the order as soon as possible, normally within the same day or at the next if the order has been placed outside of our opening hours.
Click in the Terms and conditions field to proceed. We of course recommend you, to have read them before ordering… And click Continue again.
On the next page you can check that everything is correct, before sending the order, do so by clicking Confirm order.
You will receive this receipt and your order is now placed in our system. Our sales personnel will within the same day, or the next if the order is placed outside our opening hours, send you another confirmation and make sure the order leaves our stock.
If you have placed an order for an item that isn’t in stock or hasn’t got a price on it, our sales team will contact you and if possible, come back to you with an offer. In most cases we can source the items with a delivery time.
Shopping cart
The shopping cart will save what you have added, until the next time you login. This message below, will open at your next login. If you have multiple users for the same account, please be aware of this fact. So that you don’t delete one of your colleagues’ orders.
We will gladly make an individual account for all your users, to prevent this from happening.
SMART features
Account statement
Here you can see all the invoices and payments that we have registered.
Open orders
See all your open orders here, both made from the sales team and from the web shop.
Order archive
Here you can see all your orders both made from the sales team and from the web shop.
You can press the + icon to the left of the date, to see the contents of the order.
You can use this function to quickly add part numbers to your order. The drop-down menu will give you suggestions based on what you are typing. Type the quantity and click Add, you can add multiple order lines with this function. Just add more items before you finish with Add to cart.
You can save a lot of time by using our wishlist function. Here you can put in the parts and amounts you frequently order.
Press the Add to wishlist button, on the item page. Now you have the option to add it to an existing wish list from the drop down menu, or create a new one by checking Create new wishlist.
Say for example you are usually ordering our SNHF 510-608 with bearings, adapter sleeves and so on.
You can then put them all in the wish list and save them with the name SNHF 510 and add the items you need for a complete housing.
In the future you will only have to click one button Add Wishlist to Cart and thus saving a lot of time.
You can create multiple wish lists, remove and add items from the wish list or only add specific part numbers to the cart.
Top 100
Here you can see an overview over your 100 most purchased part numbers. Your discount, price and what we have in stock is also shown here directly.
Change password
Last but not least – You can at any time change your password here.